I love my job ... well, we're attending. Having a high
stagggista 1.75, blackberry and weighs 55 kg, is hard.
You got practically a model developed by the charm of Naples next and you have definitely found that is not true that eating a Vigorsol all around become barges.
Then you think that one should understand right away if you can make a great PR or not. That is, PR is like a ballerina, depending boned (which in your case is obviously big, not that you are fat), the body shape, stature. If, for example, which happens around 10 years a unseemly encounter a genetic predisposition abuse tarts chocolate combined with a radical antipathy to any kind of sport, the job of PR is to be very close from the eligible candidates precarious future.
But this is not your time so you know, all tracagnotta and sloppy, you have decided that army of passionate keyboard and critical sense, with discrete graphics capabilities and a humor all of those with internet cyber there born, would you be able to get away in the difficult world of PR in Milan.
course is false, you have not decided on a cock and you're finished for inertia I do business.
fact is that lately I had to taste bad as well. On several occasions he must also think Essert huge success of "I love my job ... well, we are attending" but it was something. Bella there, on the piece, earned a dick, but how cool was your customer!
And so, almost without realizing it, any day you found to have sacrificed a lot of stuff (including this blog) is completely engulfed by a complete lack of free time and a dramatic scarcity of mental resources to be used in anything not volunteer for your agency.
Just follow the big brother 11 , thee successful, you say here and here and deny it if someone asks reason for this in the future, you deny all of the big brother you followed only the first edition, just for curiosity, you know the media phenomenon ...
confess that you, yourself, nothing else you still the only Italian to follow Big Brother is only a gesture to do with cowardice, in writing, as when you close a report. It 's a reality too abominable to be sustained face to face, looking into his eyes a conversation, without being ashamed to the deepest point of our space more intimate.
In reality there would always be the history of sociological interest in respect of trash TV, you know, we of Communication Sciences ... but now skepticism manifest more when camped on this justification.
Well, at this point, just do a quick overview on millemila years since your last visit to this small corner of uebduepuntozzzero.
important things happened:
You were on holiday at Christmas , well 10 days, during which you had exactly what you could want: family, friends, poker games, alcohol, food and Mid Melinda a stone's throw away (for those who spend all year to 400 km away is a beautiful story). When you're back in Milan you have to book a holiday for the summer, just to survive the trauma and you did not leave without having any money ... but that's another story.
You did a interview in an agency strategic super-hyper-mega-pussy than most top there is not and during the interview thee also started on the button of the trousers (about chiattume) ... auks have thought that after a gag like that place super-hyper-mega-strategic was your cool! T'era seemed - buttons burst apart - that the conversation had gotten a lot of good. Just do not call You got ever-more-more. Investigators have now issued an identikit your ego, to try to catch them before he slips away forever. Luckily they caught in a roadblock in Vancouver ... and they returned home.
"You know, Sorry about that if you say it, but only now is a period a little 'goof'
" No, no figure, " smile every time that thou hast anxiety bestial genuine concern on the faces that can cause your face, entirely free from your conscious control.
"We are very happy, things are going pretty well, we would like to get a training contract in the future, the rest of you old enough to be able to do ... but while you renew the project for one year to 1000 € per month"
You shut up, nod, trying to at least maintain that mask of nerves and tissues of your face instead, a kind of solemn expression that the essential aim not to reveal anything that you're thinking.
"Then we would like to know what you think too ... your observations, continue, them.
You smile, still, you're practically a facial paralysis.
Then answer, gently, gesturing without saving:
"Well, first of all I thank you, because I asked this new customer and you gave me, I like, I like more and more, really thank you, thank you, thank - change of tone, expression more serious - the only thing is that ... you know ... is that I hope eventually to gain a little more ... 'for more ... greed eh ... it's just that I'm alone here - part of the pathos and the notes of Ennio Morricone accompany the scene of the little Marlene who closed with a cardboard suitcase tied with string abbandonoa its southerners - and I try to weigh as little as possible on my family "
Then, without looking at him, started to answer:
" We know ... it is a social evil. .. it is a generational problem, look the other day a friend of a friend of mine showed me the paycheck of ... "
you, but always intent on banned disguise what you feel, think : a social evil?
But I'm not a child in Uganda who do not feed you, or that you can not help an addict or a prostitute who does not save you from the sidewalk, or a teenager who listens to Tokio Hotel, or a hole in the atmosphere that is expanding because of greenhouse gases, a small seal or killed at the north pole to the delight of all the cruel demon of the world.
... I'm one that works for you 10 hours a day, is one that works best for you 10 hours a day, I have a degree, a master's degree, speak English, I go with a computer lippa I also won literary prizes and I'm here for 2 years ... and then, if I'm so sorry for me, pay me more and bought a pair of eyeglasses in less - than the country of my glasses if I buy one every 5-6 years, and that's it - that even if the mount does s'abbina to assure you 100% cashmere pullovers that the world does not collapse.
"We'll talk about that after the first semester, all right?" You got answered ...
Let's do this.
To close the circle of this interminable post, says the last thing striking millemila occurred in recent years:
As always, with the start of the new year comes the good intentions of that prick This also hints around you left, so as not to get your ass alone. However, inevitably, as any self-respecting January, did you mail the emblematic question: gym? by a wink and a dummy Telenorba jingle from the soundtrack of this lush idea ...
So you went on ahead in 2, well 2, gyms Milan.
Neither liked thee but mainly because you do not like gyms, only one of the contenders has a huge added value is practically attached to your house, courses are not only tools, and there is little one a cupboard and shaven muscular instructor - who nicknamed LaPotenzaE'nullaSenzaSteroidiAnabolizzanti - thee explained that the substantial difference between a buttock prepared with tools and a buttock prepared courses.
It 'was so enlightening, that you have not registered.
But, like any self-respecting January, you bought the suit, socks, T-shirts galore that when you exercise you sweat or so ... You got told ...
And then, suddenly, the unthinkable has happened: you have to have achieved a high stagggista 1.75, blackberry and 55 kg next ... a model that makes the charm of Naples "representation" as you're in the back office to run the shack.
And then no.
If you have never done to men, you've never done to get into a pair of jeans that had a size young you have not done to win the seat position to the sea without feeling embarrassed, you have not done for health, you've never done no reason ... well now you must go to the gym to work!
... not for nothing, well that is bringing this to a brain without a buttock prepared with tools, life remains hostile.
promise updates!
Good evening,