Friday, December 24, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
What Can Be Put In Bath Water
You have decided to rehabilitate your image.
For the rest, I apologize for the ugliness of this post.
But do not write more, you lose the hand.
Over and out.M.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
I Want To Create My Kavithai
Why more and more, in you, you hear the clear desire to rewrite your present. Dreams to fill a blank page again. And in the meantime, resist. But only until you make it. Then, "Where have you come u zipp'r chianti" as they say in your shares.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Oxygen Blender Purpose
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Australian Smiths Chips

Rasa is already the Christmas season. Back to the traditional market dedicated to the Christmas holidays this year will be held Sunday, November 14.
From 10 to 18.30 in the streets of the country will be exposed to food stalls and crafts theme. During the day some events like music in the streets and courtyards. You can reach the market even with shuttle buses will leave from the Red Square of the Motta Rasa, where there is parking. At 10.30 am Holy Mass is planned. Packed with bars and pizzerias in the country. The event will take place in the event of bad weather.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Large Green Lumps Of Mucous
Monday, October 18, 2010
Recurring Deposit Formulas Example
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
Lots Mirror Ikea Tape Remove
You thought that the shooting patrons of this little corner of cyber frustration could also have beautifully broken my balls of your complaints. Why not.
So did you remain silent.
And today you decide to write again not because your mood has changed, but simply because they do not want to reveal to yourself that you give up the blog. But not those even the words that would be too busy as an asset.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Steps To Stitch Anarkali Suit
The middle Melinda asks you often because you're always so angry. In fact, lately, a lot of people You got asked why women are always ontologically pissed. Making just a sociological question of incompatibility between the sexes.
At that point, usually reply that we have the menstrual cycle, we have hair on, we have to spend money on cosmetics and beauty care, we constantly some bladder under the foot caused by misogynistic shoes we wear, which often we are constipated and constipation swollen and puffy seriously, not like Alessia Marcuzzi, we combine the bag with the shoes, a bracelet Accessorize costs 18 € and every time I give up a bracelet Accessorize understand that they do not buy in a jewelry store. Answer that, we women, we constantly have to deal with men, we must work, be liberated, be toned, be serious, be modern, be funny, be efficient, we must work hard for a man three times to make half of the career. I usually reply that we women live by expectations that are almost inevitably disappointed and this is because, when we women had children, that have both damaged mountains of bullshit telling us about Cinderella, Snow White and all that bunch of fucking beautiful princess who lived forever happy, happy and above all, kept by a wealthy prince monogamous. We imagine the Sleeping Beauty, to have to wake up every morning to go for the slave to a boss from the food rotting. Some might argue that Cinderella was the kitchen maid but she was happy and singing all the time that dreams are wishes of happiness. Well, but consider that Cinderella was the big talk with the mice, so you do not define your own sound mind. Just as Snow White is actually addicted to hallucinogenic apples that made her accept the unfortunate fate of having to share existence with 7 dwarfs. That you've always wondered: "How will the state, the process of the seven dwarfs?"
Usually, after this flood of arguments that do not allow objections retaliation corporal punishment, half of Melinda - be happy monad belonging to the male, where everything is simple, linear, essential and superficial - you said: "It 's difficult to be women."
Usually, you think that we women are potentially superior beings. But we have a couple of serious defects: competition and fist-mental-indomitable. In these two, in fact, often in full affect our supposed superiority, which is confined to the realm of power without becoming ever essence. A little 'how to move from right to wrong. A little 'how to play a game full of class and virtuosity, but then lose on penalties.
usually think that we women are potentially superior beings. Or at least, have you thought until you began to work every day in an office with 18 women. On the other hand, before then, the women were to relate to you the choices you. And it was another story. Now no longer the case and you have suffered a brilliant inspiration: your boss lowers the global average intelligence of women. The lowering of bad, though. Chess, as the lower average Minzolini lowers the honor of the journalistic profession, which is worrying.
boss, since you asked to change the team and the client, you have declared war. Let me be clear, though. Mica stuff trenches, which were shot there at least, at least you get your hands dirty at least you had to have the balls to fight and die like the poor bastards. Enno! This is more like a Cold War declared, with brief episodes of surgical bombing behind.
That is, suddenly, after half a year in which you have been paraded as a jewel of the agency, after being called "the boy wizard of the Web", "Queen of the powerpoint", "the goddess of lay-out and the talented MacchinaPerComunicatiStampaSugliAssorbentiPerTransGender, well, you become un'inetta. A lazy. A messy. Un'inaffidabile, inefficient, touchy, sloppy, fat slave.
likely, your boss, who has no knowledge of self, is absurd and ignores the very least improbable to expect a person with a brain - small quantity of a Brain Menu Medium, not the King Menu - might bring naturaldurante life as a slave. Your head, completely devoid of any glimmer of self-consciousness, probably unaware that they could work as a team with just Flavia Vento. But even there, it would be tough. Why Flavia Wind could always decide to join the farm and go to milk the cows, rather than take orders from her.
After being paraded in long and wide as if I were his personal De Beers - on the other hand we know, is a slave for ever - you suddenly fall from grace, as has happened to the bell-bottom pants d ' elephant in the eighties.
Last week you came half an hour late. You woke up at 6 am in the throes of an attack of cystitis, cystitis, which is a social evil and do not understand why do not you speak, like pedophile priests and global warming. You arrived half an hour late and your boss has opted for a form of psychological terrorism trial, sms, grotesque and pathetic like everything, good or bad, is of.
"You're right, boss, excuse, not a good cyborg, boss, excuse, I give it to Harrison Ford so he can kill me, are not efficient, are not devoted to the cause and, sometimes, I happen to have a body somatized all the contempt that I have toward you, firing the urinary tract of hatred and frustration. I apologize, boss. You're right, boss. I will say three Hail Marys and an Our Father, boss. Licenziami boss, but I will continue to be licensed to do the cleaning for free boss, for expiate my guilt, shame the malaise that has caused me 30 minutes of delay affects my productivity, boss. "
And this, just as an example. Basically any type of occasion is good to slaughter the ovaries and, you know, it takes commitment to slaughter the ovaries, because those are all there, curled up and hidden in the bowels, not like the balls of mascula, at the mercy of kicks and simple squeeze and immediate. No, the ovaries because they want to massacre massacre, nothing else.
Even worse, your boss keeps telling you that you have to keep you in the office most of the evening. Then you think, having to be operational from 9 am to 9 pm you could mount a Canadian in the meeting room, pay rent to the Agency, of course, contribute to the bills and live directly in the office. What harm would there? Why do you expect that your boss Suppose you have a life outside those four walls filthy? It is not that specified in the contract is that you can have friends, or a report, or of parents who live at 1000 km and would like to know if you live by telephone or cracks. Imagine your friends or other interests to cultivate.
And then it says that there is no work! It is not that young people are willing to work, the pasta is good for mom, it's nice live with their dad, they all want things easy, and want it now. They claim to have 2 hours of life, and then complain that there is no work.
fact is that, for many days in a row, came to mourn thee in the office. Because you're a bloody vagina above and because they do not answer, be silent, it cost you much effort, so much that tears (as when one tries to shit in the gut but there is an Altar of Pergamon in real marble and there are hopes). Would you like to respond once to your boss, and you want them to do more harm verbally as possible, avoiding the possibility of improper imbue the corner of the desk in front. Would you like to just say a few words. Something that can penetrate, even marginally, the fog of dementia, making them feel that the winds for a few thousandths of a second, as dramatic and deep his personal and professional mediocrity.
Today you came out at 19.30 early, and you think that any of this is healthy. That there are few jobs that fit into your "Profile." To send resumes and do not recall, and therefore you have no choice. But you also think that this is madness. You can not get sick to make the press office of the pubic hair mousse of Nelson Mandela. You can not hold back the tears every day office.
You also thought it'd be much happier if you wash yourself glasses in London. If your life you choose not to do shit, but at least if you decide. Are you at least had the courage to do that earlier rather than chasing un'emerita fanned and worry in taking the piss, a status symbol, you'll never un'agognata stability. Would you be happier if I choose to live day by day, to surrender to the events and enjoy it in the meantime, gulping Forsters in abundance, after work, in some pub in Camden Town.
cagassi finally away from the soul all the craven ambitions imposed after graduation, from the master, from trips abroad, the appreciation of the professors, the literary contests, the pride of parents, that sort of assumption that you will always harmful, that somehow, in the end, you'd checked.
The Mid Melinda usually after two hours of softening, as you have a bloody vagina above, tells you that you have to separate private life from professional life and vice versa. But it's damn hard to do when the second claim of the first swallow.
And, quite frankly, who the fuck you do it?
We are sure that mental health is related only € 900 per month?
masochistic We are confident that this game worth the candle?
This put pourri of rhetorical questions and answers for granted, you'd resent free.
you like to resent being defined, rather than trivially vague.
you like to resent you, go back to writing the pages yourself.
you like to get back to who you really are. At least before you forget and leave you swallow and fart away.
Monday, September 13, 2010
How To Stopleg Twitches
This morning you have clearly understood that autumn has arrived. The