really unexpected things happen in this country.
Peter Taricone crashes to the ground in Terni, after parachuting. He died during the night. And you're sorry. But really sorry for you. Do you mind as if Peter knew him, met him the summer on holiday, like the kind of fifth above that you had a crush on 14 years. It can not even condemn you for participating in Big Brother because, on the other hand, participated in the first edition, when it made sense to participate. You are not allowed by the system and not cannibalize went to massage the feet of shitty Lele Mora. Apparently, he had the brain, Peter. And apparently, it was a beautiful person. She was able to make good use of reality TV, has managed to get in where and when to get out, preserving their dignity and autonomy in choosing their own path, avoiding the diabolical duo Costanzo-De Filippi, just in the years when that kind of tv blossomed in its full stench.
not lost a great actor, an old television presenter, a rock star beautiful and damned. He left a boy, one down, a Southerner, one of those vaguely guappo aftertaste but who can be loving. And, in fact, the displeasure felt exactly that. As if it happened to an old friend. For even an acquaintance. One who no longer felt for years, but who always remembers with a smile, thinking back to his outspoken ways and sympathy it aroused. "I'm shocked, like a family," said the SLIP (remember that slip is an acronym standing for secretary lesbo angry professional) - Technically, however, must also go to concerts, Alessandra Amoruso, therefore should not be included in the panel of persons to be considered mentally healthy.
The point is that Peter, unlike many contemporaries and posterity as many (television talking about) had a different fabric and has defended his individuality, yielding to Constantine Vitalliano the role - if not his - the emblem of neotelevision generalist private .
At this point we could talk about how the television media affect the perception of the known and will lead us to develop a radical form of induced familiar to the heroes the small screen, or we may mention the fact that the death of Taricone was the first news is that the Courier of the Republic this morning and that some have concocted a rudimentary comparison between the death of Peter and the white deaths, claiming the increasing importance of the second before.
You believe that these controversies do not make sense and you think that if ordinary people, writers and journalists express condolences for the untimely death of a boy of 35 years, leaving his wife and daughter, this is a simple expression of humanity . Why is it that this displeasure.
point. It is enough.
Then it happens that Dell'Utri was sentenced to seven years in prison, finally. However, if the news is how much you do not touch because Italian politics is like a drama Italian Serie C, even worse than a fiction, because there is not even Alessio Boni, say, with its fighezza. And then we learn this news and you think, however, well sure, if you do not a prison.
Then read that Tartaglia was not considered due to souveniricidio (remember that a few months ago a deranged, Massimo Tartaglia precisely, had forced a miniature of the Cathedral of Milan to crash into the face of Silvio Berlusconi , causing the indignation of all the associations of Italian souvenir and a sit-in protest that he had seen hundreds of small Colosseum, small towers Pisa, Michelangelo's David and children of small cathedrals spilling in front of the Parliament).
Massimo Tartaglia was acquitted (and Dell'Utri convicted ... would almost think that God exists) as a result of expertise, thanks to which it was found that the souvenirs have no soul and are not considered living beings, except that the Vatican .
Personally, I think that the acquittal Tartaglia confirms the theory of a plot, which sees the 'One & Three face an ordeal media impressing the public with director Mel Gibson and Patrick D'Addario makes Our Lady of Sorrows. Sergio Rubini rejects the thief, leaving the right to Bondi .
E, in agenda news media so thick, just a lot of space - not much time - to talk about your weekend at sea in Viareggio - "There were once 11 southerners who wanted to, very strongly wanted to go to sea."
little time to tell of 36 hours outside of Milan, the 10 hours spent in the cockpit of your fiestina being stacked on the A1 and Cisa, 15 years of life lost due to fatigue, the Beatles and Strokes and Arctic Monkeys along the way, that mingled with the chatter of women, while the road is not asphalt slow drainage flowed between the Emilian Apennines.
E 'was great to see the sea, be the first swim of the season all together, watch Mid Melinda - that when you read this sentence say saccharine voice, "I! I am half of Melinda "- and he wants to understand a lot regardless of the color white to yellowish; dine on lobster ravioli with fish, white wine and fried food, contrary to the commandments of brutally Fight Fat . E 'was great to chat on the veranda until 4 in the morning with your friends Sicilians, among whom you are and you feel a sort of mascot. For
Not to mention the scientific scopone lost - in our defense, the cards were not Sicilian and Neapolitan - the rackets, fishing, coccobbello, aperitif at sunset on the waterfront that requires an overwhelming desire to summer holidays. So much to cause you to begin the countdown from yesterday.
Less than 25 days at the dawn of civilization, and to leave agognatissime, meanwhile, goes on, with third-degree burn, specially captured to skin, because skin is priceless in Milan and throughout the rest , there is a postepay empty.