Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Linda Goodwill Horoscopes Read Online

Workers vent

It happened again.
you went back in the office toilet talking to herself. And, like all times, when you've found in the toilet of the office talking to herself, you think they're losing your balance. And, like all times, you looked from the outside and you're a bit 'ashamed of yourself.

Now, you do not know whether this disgraceful phenomenon also happens to other human beings, but in fact, is a worrying signal of alarm.

Without being there to investigate the causes, such as Sherlock Holmes would (which was known to be complexed to his brother John), you can simply say that you are totally demotivated and that the interest and enthusiasm shown towards your activities are roughly equivalent to the vitality expressed by the face of Romano Prodi .

A deep unease, rooted dissatisfaction and inevitable, gripping your days, from the first trill of the cordless that wakes you from cursing brain dead men still sleep till the last breath aware that issues the night before to surrender unconsciousness.

First we must start by saying that you are sufficiently satisfied to work in a women-only place, where it seems clear that estrogen may deliberately have the upper hand on everything from common sense to finish with I ntifada .

Praise to the men! We
to prick what is the prick: Gentlemen, It is damn true and you know that one day you will regret what you're about to write but never mind. WE, the so-called women, we reason with the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and all the paraphernalia that makes us so hopelessly, hopelessly, relentlessly vaginas.

If you are male, all right, I mean if you have all the equipment virile, there is a biological and physiological reason to bear: the reproduction of the species. But among women, which kind of absurd, unacceptable reason, can force us to co-exist all year, for 10 hours a day, in the same microcosm, in which by now as the walls exude pure hysteria, produced by a third madness?
mean, why? To "bring the bread at home "? But let us not live better, the bread?

competition on every front, deceit, gossip, toddle, falsehood, envy. And you look at the fret slaughtered and liver, but always with a great attitude, an unnecessary work for 1000 or 2000 euro per month, which will not change anyone's life, let alone their own, which will not solve their worries or gratify their expectations. You watch this and think: 'Please, Lord God, forgive me for all the times that you whistle the ears in vain, but do not make me so, I will not be so. "

Only thus are at risk. Perhaps already you are and you do not notice. Perhaps states even with enthusiasm that something is so "radical," so "cool", "glamorous", "trendy", "cheap". Maybe you pretend to love this lifestyle because of appearance and trends, silly leisure activities devised to compensate for the lack of humanity. Maybe one day tell yourself that your dream is to go holiday in Yemen, which for the moment not even think I've ever seen on a globe. And all these thoughts, not because you want to dismiss a trivial and superficial way of life that is not yours, but rather, because you can not see around you, in that you put into question the modus vivendi, one "model" of successful women (where "model" should be read in its most lata of the word), not a single "model" worthy of being called such, that makes you think "I would be so great to" . Neither humanly or professionally. It is much more than your mother, a model, which has always worked, he left his house, which is a great mother and a wife who is an honest, consistent, intuitive, capable of love but not mushy .. . and with two balls like that, the real ones, of course. But these are comparisons that are standing there.

And here there Southerner and plump, a live with the constant feeling of having every day, prostituting your intellectual honesty, expressing interest emeritus of crap. There you go, every day you engage in a sort of tug of war between you and the environment in which you work, filled with strange beings: mothers of the 20 mothers who are still at the agency, people who do not have anything in life and sweaty who have never experienced the real uncertainty of the present and future characters that you never answer "My father is a laborer," but that children are on time entrepreneurs, advertising, or media-enriched markettari noble unfortunately survived the Risorgimento Italian and, like Pasolini , you prefer the humble people, people who yearn to achieve pathetic status symbol, people who confuse luxury with the beauty and richness of the culture.
A small plastic micro-cosmos in which nothing is ever real. To think that a little girl you liked Polly Pocket is now somewhat unusual.

Well, you're tired of having people around you for going to a gala dinner with Berlusconi is a cool thing, rather than an opportunity to blow themselves up and become a national hero, a patriot without a country, but still always a patriot.

be clear: after all, you're nobody to judge and you're a rookie who has yet to be proven. But sooner or later, demonstrates and only then, as they say in your part,'ve declared it an "(a term usually accompanied by a bizarre gesture).

do not know what this cosmic intolerance to the outside world, you do not know if this is a really angry beast premestruo of memory, a party with 15 days in advance or, more simply, depends on the homesickness. That damned saudaji you take every 40-50 days if you do not see your family. You do not know if it depends on the desire to move, finally, in an environment populated by real human beings. With their limitations, their smiles and their emotions.
For once, real.

E 'was a difficult day ... As if it
was enough to discover that Valerio Scanu has a new single.


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