Thursday, July 29, 2010

Time Off Work With Kidney Infection

Absolutely Nothing - Interview

begins the cycle of interviews, people in pussy, pussy stuff that is, in my opinion ...

Lucio Laugelli , class '87, director of Absolutely Nothing , the film recently produced by the Middle Crossing ...

* When did the idea?
The idea was born one year ago: I had to write to the university, a script for a video clip of a piece of classical music and in particular the idea is checked suddenly feeling the "Trio op . 100 "of Schubert, one of my favorite songs, soundtrack, in turn, a film I love so much, "Barry Lyndon".

* The feeling that I personally have had is that you have used the tools at your disposal (music, settings, the choice of b / w) to express visually the title. It seemed to me that the Court represents the fulfillment of the vacuum, it is internal or external, and to achieve this goal by playing with the wait - if we are taken for granted - something happens in the nearly 6-minute short. Something that does not happen and that has not fulfilled you align with the spirit of the video.
Am I wrong? If yes, as is likely to be, tell us off the records, your common purpose?
Your reading is very interesting and perhaps much more complex idea of \u200b\u200bthe primary but the title came at the end: I shamelessly copied from a sculpture of my father) because it seemed to fit like a glove with their work.
The thing that I liked, however, this audio-visual, is that many have given different interpretations and things got out that I had not even mentioned: each fact is a journey, and this is me loved it.

* Said, in fact, that absolutely nothing has been produced by the Middle Crossing. When was this label?
The Middle Crossing was founded in early 2009 as a spin off of the Cultural and Paper Magazine Street. The intent is not to be taken seriously: do the best we can, improve and, in a few years, selling his first works, horrified, hoping to have reached even higher levels.

* What kind of content it produces?
For now, we made two videos and two short films plus some other promotional work. Since the beginning we do not give limits: the time will make its selection in the future and better understand what is and what is not starting to choose a path rather than another.

* It 's a job or a hobby?
Hobbies is simplistic but work is too. There are jobs we do for passion while others paid (often even the most boring: not us to decide what to do but the commissioner of a turn).

* As for your background instead? Have you studied as a director or are you self taught?
I graduated from DAMS in Bologna but as you know, who did my university, there teach the history of film, media and critics. Nothing very little practice and theory related to that which involves running an audiovisual.

I have read and am reading manuals direction, the study of shooting and editing, but I will face as soon as an academy or a job that allows me to have to deal with productions large to improve.

* There is a flood, you have to save 5 films and bring the ark of Noah. What prejudice? What later generations can not lose in any way?

mmm ... difficult question, I try:
1) Barry Lyndon by Stanley Kubrick: a film is perfect in all respects.
2) Manhattan by Woody Allen. Do I have to bring back a pizza from my favorite director ... even if it is simplistic to say "favorite director: Allen is making me a grandfather and teacher in life ... to comfort me, I light up.
3) "Seven" by David Fincher: The new cinema. A thriller of the highest level.
4) "The Giant" by George Stevens Jame Dean. I'm always too nostalgic party and it is the will (unintentionally) the actor I most like.
5) "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" by Sergio Leone. 3 hours of movies that I reviewed as a child, ad infinitum.

* Thanks Lucio!
Thank you Marlene!


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